Small group conversations about Product

Toronto's Monthly In-Person Product Conversations

Each month, ProductTO organizes an evening discussion forum for experienced product managers to delve deeper into the context and opportunities surrounding our work.

Apply to Join

How does it work?

Five discussion topics in small groups, each led by a facilitator.

Get introduced

Get introduced

Each event starts at 6.30pm sharp with an introduction by each facilitator. This is the most important part of the evening as it will help you understand the topic their group will be discussing and why it’s important to them.

Choose your group

Choose your group

After the intros, you’ll choose a discussion group to join. This isn’t a passive keynote where you sit back and listen. You’ll be expected to share your knowledge and experience in the group discussion.

Wrap up

Wrap up

The discussion groups will wrap up at 8pm, however there’s always an opportunity to mingle afterwards. If you’ve felt inspired by the evening then we encourage you to consider leading a group in the future.

Lead a Talk

Frequently Asked Questions

There are no other spaces exclusively for experienced product managers and product leaders. In order to promote better conversations and to keep up with the demand for curated spaces in the city, we must restrict membership.

Why not check out the other product events in Toronto?

We don't have a public calendar. ProductTO is usually on the 4th Thursday of the month. The best way to keep up to date on upcoming events is to be on our mailing list when you apply to join.

We try to get through new applications once a month, however we're also a volunteer team with other jobs and commitments. Do feel free to get in touch with us here if you’d like an update.

ProductTO doesn’t have a Slack group however we thoroughly recommend the Toronto Product Management Association as a way of continuing the conversation outside our events.